Monday, January 17, 2011

Dark, damp and dreary

It started raining at about 12:30 today. It's 10:30 now and it is STILL raining. Even before the rain came, it was overcast and gray...a big change from the sunshine of the weekend. I have wished multiple times today that I could just crawl back into bed and sleep until tomorrow. (The fact that I only got about 5 hours of sleep last night certainly didn't help, either!)

I went out earlier today, both to take Connor to daycare this morning and to get a little exercise this afternoon, and I'm really glad that I did, because I think otherwise I might be getting a serious case of cabin fever already. (As it is, I'll probably still get it tomorrow, if this rain keeps up.) What do you like to do for indoor fun when the weather is dreary? Leave a comment and let me know. Seriously. I might need some ideas!

Anyway, I'm finally going to get my wish and get back into bed. Good night.


julie said...

scrapbooking!!! lol ;)

Gary said...

Good aerobic exercise releases "feel good" stuff in your body - that's my scientific explanation and I'm sticking by it! It makes you feel better even if the weather won't cooperate.

Ocrakate said...

Julie - shoot, I'm so far behind on my scrapbooks at this point that it could be a dark, dreary day every single day and I'd still never get caught up!

Gary - I think you're right! I went to Turbo Kick tonight and although it's really hard exercise, I always feel great at the end! (And not just because it's the end, LOL...)