Sunday, January 16, 2011


Many people wonder when is the best time to see dolphins in the waters surrounding Ocracoke. The answer is in the dead of winter, I think. After hearing from multiple people about the many dolphins swimming just off shore on the beach, I decided to go see them, too. Part of me expected to be disappointed. I mean, what are the odds that, hours later, the dolphins are still right where people saw them earlier? Apparently those odds are pretty decent in the winter. I had been told to look for dolphins between the airport ramp and South Point road. So we took a drive out to the beach to see what we could see.

We drove to the beach via South Point road, and I realized that I hadn't done that in far too long. I love how that area is a wonderful place to observe the changing seasons. In winter, the sea oats are fuzzy and the black needle rush on the marsh turns a wonderful silver/gray color. It was another beautiful sunny day, so I thoroughly enjoyed the drive.

When we arrived at the beach, we went toward South Point for a bit. We saw not only dolphins but friends, as well. (The word was out about the dolphins at this point, I guess.) Connor ran around for a while, until his nose went pink from the cool which point, I required him to get back in the car - left to his own devices, he would have kept running! We drove north east up the island toward the airport ramp and saw several additional groups of dolphins. I found it very enjoyable, because I simply love dolphins.


Tom in Plano, TX said...

When I'm on the Island in spring and fall I regularly see dolphins near shore at the Pony Pen beach access. (The bench there is a great place for a cigar!!) I typically see them 7-8 in the morning and ~5 in the afternoon. They are always swimming parallel to shore and headed toward the village.

Ocrakate said...

Cool! I realized after I posted that blog that part of the reason we locals get to see dolphins more often in the winter is because that's when we have time to go to the beach and look for them!