Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love, work, volunteer, play

My day today was filled from beginning to end, but it was oddly balanced. I started, as I do each day, by taking care of Connor - getting him up and dressed, fed and ready for school. Love.

I spent the next many hours doing my job, which continues to be extremely busy. Work.

Then I went to an Ocracoke Preservation Society meeting and took notes (I'm the secretary). Volunteer.

Finally, I went to Gaffer's with Sundae to eat some dinner and shoot three games of pool (she won two). Play.

It was a full day, but it was rewarding in that it contained so many of the important elements of life. Too many of my days are mostly work, without time for play, so I was pleased that even though today was quite busy, I still had time for some fun!

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