Monday, March 30, 2009

Want more friends?

Why not become friends with the Library? I'm being goofy, to invite you to join the Friends of the Library. I love Libraries, a topic I think I've blogged about before. So I think they are a wonderful community resource to support (in case you were looking for one!)

The Ocracoke Friends of the Library association is open to anyone and everyone to join. They hold infrequent meetings (I think twice annually) which include interesting and informative speakers, and they organize the oh-so-delicious cookie swap during the Christmas season.

If you want to join, stop by the Library during public hours. Or you could attend their next meeting, which is scheduled for tomorrow (3/31) at 7 PM. The speakers will be local people who have traveled and/or lived in other countries, talking about their experiences of life abroad. Enjoy it for me if you go. (I'm still busy trying to get my life caught back up after my I will unfortunately have to miss it.)

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