Friday, May 22, 2009


This morning, as I was leaving the beach, I noticed a helicopter coming in to land on the helipad. I didn't think much of it at first, assuming it was a medical transport. But then I looked closer, and realized it was a military-looking aircraft. It landed, but the rotors kept running. And then it took off again, almost immediately. I heard it several additional times throughout the day. I guess the pilots from the Air Base at Cherry Point were practicing touch and go landings. Bet they don't mind doing it out here - at least the scenery is gorgeous!

Here they are landing...

...and taking back off again.


Kavita Saharia said...

i is gorgeous.Thanks for stopping would be great if you leave a comment next time you visit.
your post on bike and that sale board is quite funny...i thought this happened only in my city.

Tom in Plano, TX said...

That's an Osprey! I saw them practicing while I was on the Island last week.

Ocrakate said...

Hi Tom! Thanks for letting me know the name of the helicoper. As you can tell, I'm somewhat clueless about military aircraft (although I have HEARD of the Osprey, and at least I knew enough to recognize that that thing was SOMETHING military!) :)

Thanks for continuing to read and comment!