Tuesday, May 5, 2009

May flowers

I walked to the daycare today, to pick Connor up at the end of the day. It was a gorgeous spring day, and I enjoyed the stroll. I try to take my camera with me every time I leave the house, so I'll be ready in case I see something photo- and/or blog-worthy. I was rewarded on this short walk with a view of this lovely flowering bush.

Ain't Spring grand? Hope you're enjoying the season, too, wherever you are...


Woodduck said...

What do April showers bring?
May flowers.

What do May flowers bring?

Sorry, couldn't resist. One of those childhood jokes that you can not shake. :~)

Glad you're having a good Spring...ain't it grand?

Ocrakate said...

LOL, I love that joke! What I call "second grade humor" (all those terrific, corny jokes we learned in elementary school, which were seriously hilarious to us when we were in second grade) is one of my favorite kinds of humor.