Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I like to do the same thing at approximately the same time every day. It provides a structure to my day which somehow makes things seem smoother. One of my routines, as you know if you've read this blog for a while, is touching salt water every day (or at least most days!)

Recently, I have been doing that by going to the beach for a while after dropping Connor off at daycare in the mornings. And I've noticed that I'm not the only person who likes daily routine. I see the same person every day at around the same time, at the same place. This person is obviously also a lover of the ocean, like me. He drives to the beach every day, spends a few minutes there, then turns around and heads back into the village for his day's work. The reason it's obvious he's an ocean-lover is that he doesn't have a 4 WD vehicle, so he can't drive onto the beach to pick up seashells, or touch the water like I enjoy doing. Does that stop him, though? No, he's perfectly happy to park at the end of the access ramp and just look at the ocean for a few minutes every morning. I love that!

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