Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jazzy afternoon

It was a warm day, not hot. One of those great spring days on which it is lovely to throw open the windows. So I threw open the window in my office.

I was soon glad that I did, because I started hearing jazzy music, the notes drifting on the breeze and through my window. I could mostly hear the saxophone, but occasionally piano and other instruments blended in, too. I assume that the Ocracoke Jazz Society was having a rehearsal at Lou's house, right across the street.

It was a peaceful way to spend an afternoon. (Since I had to be working, at least I had some terrific musical accompaniment!)


Banjo Duster said...


That 'saxophone' you heard was actually Serge on clarinet . . . with Rollin on piano, Leonard on banjo and Lou on guitar.

We are trying to get Charlotte to join in . . . on drums?


Ocrakate said...

Well, duh. I should've known that, on so many levels. I really can usually tell the difference between a sax and a clarinet, plus I've seen you guys perform! Whoops...

I think Charlotte on drums would be most excellent!