Thursday, January 8, 2009

A sign of the times

The Ocracoke Community Center is a great functional space for meetings, potlucks, movies, and other such activities. It is used for all of those things. It's also available for rental to the public for parties, rehearsals, dinners, receptions, etc.

The space is managed by a board made up of local residents, and they have made many improvements to the building over the last several years, to make it both more visually appealing and more functional (better storage space for tables and chairs, for example). One of the new items they installed last year was an outdoor sign - the kind with rows for letters to slide into, so it can be changed to announce upcoming events at the Center. In the last few months, it has advertised and invited people to concerts (Ocrafolk Festival Thanksgiving Fundraiser and Ocrafolk Christmas concert are two examples), meetings (monthly Civic and Business Association and OPS Fall Membership gatherings for example), and a party (New Year's Eve).

I drove by the Community Store a couple of days ago, and looked at the sign to see what might be happening this month. The sign said "Welcome to Ocracoke". That's an accurate sign for January: there's not much happening!


obxbum said...

I was so excited to see Ocracoke represented on the scripture page. It is my favorite place on earth and I just know that heaven is going to look just like Ocracoke. I am a "resident in spirit". Have visited for the past 27 years, sometimes in summer, sometimes not. I think you must be one of the most blessed siestas to call it home. Next time we are there, I will look you up.

Sherry Necessary-Corrigan
Springfield, TN

PS- My email is obxbum, as is my licence plate. Ocracoke bum wouldn't fit...

Ocrakate said...

Hi Sherry! Ocracoke is my favorite place on earth, too, and you are right: I am one incredibly blessed siesta to get to live here. God is so good. All the time!

Definitely look me up next time you're here. I would love to meet another scripture siesta, and tell you the story of how His perfect timing made it possible for me to be here (after I had been a "resident in spirit" for 10 years). I went to my Bible study group tonight (we're doing Beth's Patriarchs study), and in the video she touched on Hebrews 6:15: "And so, after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised". AFTER WAITING PATIENTLY just jumped off the page at me...oh the blessings we receive, if we will only wait on Him! (I may have to make that my verse for January 15th.) Love the license plate...I'm thinking of getting OCRA-K8 the next time I need to get a new plate. :) I'll look forward to meeting the meantime, be blessed!

Other blog readers: if you're wondering what the heck a siesta is, you can find out at