Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's official

Assuming that God placed me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things...right now, I am so far behind I can never die. :) That would be a disappointment, actually. No offense to earth, but I think heaven will be better! (And I think earth is fantastically, amazingly, wonderfully beautiful - so heaven will be breathtaking. As the song says, "I can only imagine...")

In addition to being completely swamped with "stuff to do", I have caught the cold that space man Connor is just now getting over. I've started wheezing now, and am considering using the nebulizer myself! Connor and I both went to the Health Center today, and came home with antibiotics to knock out this upper respiratory infection. I hope they work!

In the meantime, I've been inside most of the time for the last several days (except I have managed to get out to touch salt water!), so please forgive me for the lack of interesting Ocracoke happenings in the blog...I just have no idea what might be going on out there!

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