Monday, January 19, 2009

Let's read and talk

I don't think I've mentioned yet in this space about the book talk series currently being hosted by the library. It's a program called "Let's Talk About It", designed to get multiple people in the same community to read - and then discuss - the same books. There will be a series of discussions, each led by a guest speaker.

I attended the first session, on the book Madame Bovary and found it very informative (the speaker gave the attendees a lot of background about the author, Gustave Flaubert). I also enjoyed the insightful and interesting comments made by many of the readers during the discussion.

If you enjoy this kind of thing, here are the dates and titles for the rest of the series (all are at 7 PM, at the Library):
February 5 - The French Lieutenant's Woman
February 26 - The End of the Affair
March 19 - Morgan's Passing
April 9 - A Mother and Two Daughters

There are multiple copies of each book available at the library. So , if you want to join in, you can pick one up or read your own copy, or cheat and read the Cliff's Notes or an online summary, or really cheat and watch the movie... :)

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