Friday, August 15, 2008


I am a cat person. We have three furry "kids" who live in our house (well, one spends most of his day outside, but does come in when it is raining or very hot, and at night). I adore them, and one of my life goals is to become the "crazy cat lady of Ocracoke". Hey, I could make my goal "retire at 45" or "make a million dollars", but I figure "become the crazy cat lady of Ocracoke" is FAR more doable.

Anyway, there are many cat people on Ocracoke. (Yes, there are plenty of dog people too.) I suspect, though, that there are more cats than dogs on the island. That's because of the feral cat population. Luckily, that population is quite well managed and does not get out of control. That's largely due to the efforts of a group of people who volunteer to take care of them. They do a variety of good work, including feeding the cats to ensure they stay healthy and capturing them so they can be spayed or neutered.

If you would like to support Ocracats, you can do so by donating either volunteer time or money. Monetary contributions are tax deductible. Send them to:
Ocracats, Inc.
PO Box 993
Ocracoke NC 27960


M.Ferrari said...

Please give me a time line of your organization, as we are starting one here in Washington, Nc
Also, how did you convince the shop keepers that this TNR was the best way to control the population?

Ocrakate said...

I'm sorry, I don't have a timeline of (or much other information about) the Ocracats organization. My best suggestion is to send a note to the address in the blog post so that hopefully someone who is involved with the group can contact you to provide more details.