Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hot water

I've come down with my standard early-to-mid-August summer cold, and this one is a doozy. I have spent the last 24 hours self medicating with multiple forms of hot water.

I started with a good old fashioned salt water gargle, usually good for killing off any germs in the throat. I followed that by a long, very hot shower, which helped somewhat with the body aches. I drank multiple cups of hot tea with honey (usually I add honey AND lemon, but we didn't have any lemons or lemon juice, and I'm in no shape to go out in public to get some at the store). Finally, I subsisted on multiple kinds of chicken soup (chicken noodle and chicken and rice). I won't start feeling better until I have some matzah ball soup, though (which is probably more mental than physical, but hey if it works...)

A couple of my friends have been sick recently, so I guess I may have picked up this lovely illness from one of them. But I've also been told "it's going around", so heaven knows where or from whom I caught it. This kind of sharing is one of the not so wonderful aspects of living in a small town!

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