Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ladies night

The Women of Ocracoke show tonight was well attended and, from all accounts, very much enjoyed. It was an evening of celebration of multiple arts: mostly song, but also storytelling (Lou Ann told the tale of the pirate Anne Bonny), written word (DeAnna read a piece she wrote), and painting. Here are a few photos.

Kitty painted a piece on stage during the show. Here's the prepared canvas before she started. Many of us liked it just like this!

Hershey Kisses had been left for the audience on their chairs. Mariah enjoyed hers!

Katie and Amanda got the show started with a lovely rendition of Morning Has Broken.

Lou Ann told a story of sunrise.

Jamie sang a funny-because-it-was-so-accurate song called "In a Town This Size".

Sundae and Marcy performed my favorite song of the evening, "Apples in June".

Kitty's final painting.

All the ladies gathered on stage for a group shot after the show.

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