Monday, April 21, 2008

Today's Big News... on the other blog!


Anonymous said...

Hey Good to hear Conner is here.Cut my grass Friday afternoon and noticed yours and thought to myself they have been so busy I should go over and cut theirs and introduce myself but when I got back from Portsmouth reunion it had been done. I missed that 12 pack! And also went to cafe Atlantic Sunday night and noticed your truck window was down and still down Monday I should have been a good neighbor and have told hope it did not get to wet.One of the rental houses on First Avenue "Bea Hive" has put up a dust to dawn security light and my complete darkness is gone!That has got me upset. You got any BB's Best of luck on your trip.

Ocrakate said...

Hi jacksonslade! That was great of you to consider cutting our lawn, and I would certainly have obliged with a 12 pack of your favorite cold one if you had done so!

I didn't know the truck window was down either (John drives the truck) I also hope it's not too wet. I'll let him know it's down when I talk to him tomorrow (it's late there now...earlier in Colorado so I'm still up).

Will definitely let you know if I find some BBs. :) Some people just don't realize that total darkness can be a terrific thing!