Monday, July 9, 2007

Wow, time flies...

...when you are really busy! Sorry it has been so long since I blogged. I'll try to get back to "daily", since that is what the blog is called! :)

So since I last blogged, here's what has been keeping me so busy.

July 4 - was great fun as usual. There were some excellent sand sculptures on the beach, including Shrek lying in the sun, Davey Jones (from Pirates of the Caribbean, complete with creepy face tentacles), and several pirate themed ones. I am not sure who won, though. The parade was my favorite part of the day. Unfortunately, my camera battery died and I didn't have a spare with me, so I only got pictures of a handful of the floats. :( The fireworks went off from the beach with only a minor hitch (small fire on a dune, which was put out very quickly). I watched them from the car in Jason's restaurant parking lot, which was a fine viewing location and ensured I missed the traffic!

July 6 - I got my stitches out, but my cut is still healing. Dr. Moore put a sterile glue and butterfly bandages on it, and covered the whole thing with a cute red Crayola bandage.

July 7 - after a final rehearsal in the afternoon, the women of the Ocrafolk Opry presented our show at 8 PM to an appreciative crowd. It was a fun evening, and I have to agree with my friend Jamie that our duet performance of "Otto Titsling" will probably go down in infamy!

Yesterday and today were spent trying to get totally caught up on work, so I can take the rest of the week off and spend the time with my sister who is visiting until Friday. I am planning to play the "hometown tourist" while she is here, doing things like parasailing, shopping, eating ice cream, and just generally relaxing. Oh, yes, and blogging. Daily, of course!


Anonymous said...

Good to have you back! Missed you the past few days. Do you have any way of knowing how many people read your blog? Each day when I get to the office, I read both you and Philip as my connections to Ocracoke until I can get back there in the fall. Have a great day!

Ocrakate said...

Thanks Tom! It is great to know that I have readers out there. I don't know of any way that I can tell how many readers I have (although that certainly doesn't mean there is NOT a way, I just may not be aware of it). Any other users who know how to get this info, please clue me in on the method. Thanks!

tunnellj said...

Install a counter - you can find free ones through a google search -- :)