Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So many things...

I often find myself thinking of songs which fit the moment (or the day) I am having. Today the song which came to mind multiple times was one by Hatteras singer-songwriter Noah Paley. In it, he reflects on the fact that some days are full of moments to remember. The chorus lyrics, in part, are:

In every day there's many books
And too much life to write them down

Today was like that for me. It started very early, as I had to get up shortly after 5:00 AM to ride the 6:30 ferry to Swan Quarter. Because of the early move to Daylight Savings Time, it was still pitch dark when I left home to get in the ferry line. By the time the ferry pulled out of Silver Lake, the sky was just beginning to lighten. The lighthouse was still on, and the sliver of moon cast a silver glow on the water, which was perfectly smooth. The only disturbance on the harbor was from the ferry itself, and the soft swish of the waves caused by our wake was very soothing. It was a lovely moment, and I enjoyed it very much.

Later in the day, I got slightly lost in Greenville (my sense of direction is notoriously awful). While waiting for a light to change so I could turn back onto the street I was supposed to be on, I saw a sight which made me smile. It was one of those air filled standing streamer-type things (that are used to draw attention to a place which is having a sale, etc.). It was the kind that is constantly being filled from the bottom and therefore moves around quite a bit in the wind. This particular one was a tall, skinny cylinder shape, painted to look like a person, and it had two arms reaching up at 45 degree angles over its head. There was something ebullient about each time it deflated a bit, only to pop up again and throw its arms in the air, and I found myself grinning and giggling, enjoying the show. Joy can be found in odd places, when one takes the time to look.

There were other things that I remember thinking "oh, I could blog about that", but I have already forgotten them. As Noah said, there really is "too much life to write them down".

The chorus of Noah's song goes on to say

So many things I hope to find
So many things, I wonder if I'll ever take the time.

Here's hoping we all get to take the time to discover and enjoy all that is around us.

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