Friday, March 30, 2007

The company of women

I've joined a group of women at the Ocracoke Assembly of God (OAG) church for a Bible study. Yes, I know I really didn't need something else to do in my busy life, but when I saw the title of the study ("Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the Busyness of Life"), I thought maybe He was trying to tell me something! Anyway, I have really enjoyed this weekly time spent with island ladies. I love listening to the older women in the group, both for their wisdom, and because I get to hear the Ocracoke brogue! I am blessed to hear the group members my own age talking about things they think and feel, and recognizing some of myself in them; it is comforting to know I am not alone in my struggles.

Ocracoke is a small town and as such can be somewhat clique-ish. (Just in case you thought I was wearing my Pollyanna rose-colored "everything is perfect and everyone gets along here" glasses again, now you know I actually am a realist...sometimes.) But the cliques here are not necessarily exclusive - anyone can join most of them. (Unless you actually were born and raised here, you obviously can't be an O'cocker, but other than that, you're pretty much welcome wherever you want to join in.) The Bible study group is a good example of this - there are ladies who regularly attend the OAG church, some who go to the United Methodist Church, and one who worships with the small Catholic congregation. Everyone is accepted and the mix of perspectives is a wonderful thing, as we all learn from each other.

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