Saturday, March 3, 2007

Fried chicken!

There is no KFC on Ocracoke, so when we get an opportunity to eat fried chicken we take it! Today, there was a chicken dinner fundraiser at the Assembly of God church. It was a feast: each plate included potato salad, green beans, a roll, and a deviled egg to go along with two big pieces of delicious fried chicken. Even better than the food, though, was the conversation. I always enjoy meeting new people at events like these. (Many people on the island are still new to me!)

It was a blustery, windy day and after we walked back home from the church, we stayed inside for the rest of it! Somehow it seems there is always plenty to do to keep us indoors and off the beach. Real life has to be kept up with, even when you live on an island.

I'll go out and touch salt water before bed tonight, though. Hopefully it will be another clear night like the ones we have been having recently. I have enjoyed walking outside long after dark, yet having no trouble seeing my way by moon and star light. The water looks different in the moonlight, somehow clearer, and it is easy to see shells in the shallows. I love that, and seeing luminescence on the water. It's a good way to end the day, when I haven't had time during the daylight hours to just stop, listen and be quiet.

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