Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The next time you're on the island...

...you will probably notice it is easier and safer to walk around the Silver Lake area. The DOT is in the process of installing 3 ft. wide sidewalks on both sides of Hwy. 12 in this most congested area of the village. The project has been "in the works" for a long time, and much coordination was required between the National Park Service, the NC DOT, a group of folks who have formed a committee focused on transportation, and owners of the property on which the sidewalks will be installed.

There are several other potential projects which may improve the transportation and traffic situations on the island, including improvement of the parking at the lighthouse and a trolley service for getting around the village. But things move slowly around here, so don't get too excited about those just yet. It will most likely be at least another year before they become reality.

Go ahead and start looking forward to the sidewalks, though. Work on those started this week.

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