Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I just returned from my daily walk to touch salt water. It was a little late this evening, as we went out for dinner with new friends and ended up talking several hours away (not a bad way to lose several hours, all things considered).

Anyway, it is one of those lovely clear nights, with enough moon to provide a lot of illumination on my favorite soundside beach area. The tide is still very low, so with the combination of light and shallower than usual water, I could see the shells on the bottom very well. I find the interplay of light and water endlessly beautiful and fascinating, especially the fact that sunlight has a different affect than moonlight.

There was also another light which had an impact on my evening walk. The lighthouse is back on and shining brightly again! Seeing it tonight, I fully realized just how much I had missed its sweet consistency and faithfulness. It is important to have immovable, unchangeable anchors in this crazy life, and the lighthouse is one of mine.

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