Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day trippin'

Usually, I hear the term "day trippers" used to apply to the people who are vacationing on Hatteras or the northern Outer Banks who come to Ocracoke for the day. But today, my Mom, her friend Pam and I were "day trippers" in the opposite direction: we headed up to Hatteras for part of the day. We visited the lighthouse (of course), and it was a really pretty day for lighthouse photos.

I was amazed to see the changes at the original site of the lighthouse (where it was before the move). Many of the large foundation rocks are nearly completely covered by sand, and there's a clump of grass growing in the middle of the circle. It looks like a sneak preview of the future, when the original location of the lighthouse becomes a dune!

In this picture, you can see how close the ocean now is to the original site, and the new clump of grass and sea oats growing inside the circle of stones.

On one side of the circle, the foundation stones look like this...

...and on the other side, they look like this!

After our lighthouse visit, we went to Uncle Eddie's for some frozen custard (yum). Then we headed back home. It was a short day trip, but still fun.


Anonymous said...

What is the story behind the names and the dates soon as you say it will be buried and the names lost your few photos documenting the names and dates begs the question as to the nature of the historical footnotes

Ocrakate said...

If I remember correctly, the names and dates inscribed on the foundation stones are the names and dates of service of the historical lighthouse keepers.