Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bingo bummer

It's a minor disappointment when you go to Bingo and don't win. Not a big deal, still have fun, etc.

But it's a major downer when you go and don't win, but the person next to you wins 2 games and 1 t-shirt, and the person across from you wins 2 games.

That sounds like sour grapes, I know. And I really was pleased for the people who did win. But sometimes I just have a bad day...and today was one. Just proof that even living on Ocracoke doesn't make life perfect. Although it surely doesn't hurt! :)

Hope you're having a good day, wherever you are...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you didn't win at bingo! I guess it goes to show that even though Ocracoke is the "perfect" place to live, it doesn't stop one from whining from time-to-time.

Ocrakate said...

Everyone's entitled to a little whine and cheese every now and then. :)