Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shopping tradition

I went into Village Craftsmen today and said "it's that time of year again". Dallie knew exactly what I meant: my wedding anniversary is coming up in a few days. I have bought a gift for John at Village Craftsmen every year for the last several (even before we moved here), mostly because it is usually easy to find something there that fits the category. I like to buy the traditional anniversary gift each year, and it's often described in terms of a raw material: wood, iron, copper, bronze, pottery, etc. Gifts made of all of those materials are available at Village Craftsmen, so it's the right place to shop this time of year (and most any other time of year, too!) for me. Over the years, I explained to Dallie what I was doing, and what I wanted to buy for that particular anniversary. She even printed out the list of traditional gifts, in case any other customers might need the information. That came in handy for me today, as I hadn't thought to look up the tenth anniversary gift before heading out to the store. So Dallie pulled out the list and we discovered together that it's tin. Then we set about finding a good gift. Village Craftsmen is a great place to do that.

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