Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Blustery, and movies

The last few days have been perfect examples of the word blustery - gray skies, wind, and occasional brief showers. The sun breaks through every now and then, but essentially it has been looking like it is about to pour down rain, but then it doesn't.

So blustery days (and nights) are great times to watch movies, and I have seen a couple of good ones lately that you might not have heard of before:
- Les Choristes (The Chorus) - yes, this is a foreign flick (it's in French with subtitles), but it's a sweet story.
- The Invisible - slightly strange, but thought provoking and sometimes insanely funny (very much in a dark humor way, I found it funny but if you don't like that type of movie - if you didn't laugh out loud at, say, Fargo or Heathers - you probably wouldn't agree).

Fair warning: if you're like my husband and you only like movies with really happy - not bittersweet - endings, you may not like either of these movies.

Speaking of movies, there has been a drastic reduction in the number of theatres less than two hours from Ocracoke: it went from one to zero when the location in Avon closed. It's unclear at this point whether it is permanently closed, or will reopen next year at the beginning of the visitor season.

I love movies of all sorts - from Disney and Pixar cartoons one can watch with small children to dark humor films many adults don't enjoy - but I'm not much bothered by the fact that the theater closed. I see on average one movie per year in the theater (and there have been years where I missed that one). Instead, I'm a fan of Netflix, which works great when you live on an island!


Anonymous said...

Les Choristes is one of my favorite movies :).

Have you ever tried any of Jean-Pierre Jeunet's movies? He's got two amazing ones called Amelie and A Very Long Engagement.

Ocrakate said...

Hi Jenni ~

I adored the movie Amelie! I haven't seen A Very Long Engagement...will have to put that one in my Netflix queue!