Sunday, June 1, 2008

Story time...

I am incredibly blessed to be attending a storytelling workshop taught by Donald Davis this week. The participants met for dinner at Donald and Merle's house tonight, to kick off the week of learning. In listening to the conversations around the tables, I noticed how everyone was telling stories - about their lives, their families, how they came to be at the workshop, and so on.

Initially, I thought: well, of course. This is a group of people who are interested in storytelling; that's whey they are here. But then I realized that was not the only factor at work. Very often in everyday life and conversation, people who aren't planning to take a storytelling workshop nevertheless tell their own stories. I was reminded of a lady I met a couple of years ago, who had written a book about how to write your autobiography. Her motto, and what she wrote when signing the book for me, was "Life is story." So true.

Enjoy the unfolding of your life story, wherever you are...

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