Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Porch Talks

I attended the porch talk held at the OPS museum today. The topic was "flying into Ocracoke", and it was very interesting and informative. That makes it sound high minded and boring, though, which it was not. Rollin Reeder, who gave the talk, simply told the gathered group very casually about his experiences flying into and out of Ocracoke, and we learned much from listening to him.

You can tell from this picture that this was no stodgy, serious discussion!

While Rollin was talking, a small plane flew by on its way in to land on the island. Very appropriate.

The OPS Museum hosts several Porch Talks throughout the season, and I highly recommend you enjoy one or more if you have time while you are here on vacation. You can find out more about the talks planned for this summer here.

If you can't attend one of these times, stop by the Community Store anytime you are near the harbor. There's usually someone sitting on the porch there, talking, and it's another great place to hear some island stories.

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