Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes...

I don't watch the news often. Sometimes, this makes me feel like I'm clueless about current events. But usually, it just keeps me happy. The news is usually depressing.

The other night, I heard three news items which reminded me of a Coyote song:
- experts are predicting a strong hurricane season
- 4,000 homes have been evacuated in Cedar Rapids Iowa as a result of the severe flooding there
- a tornado which tore through a camp in western Iowa killled four young Boy Scouts

I can hear Marcy singing now: "Hurricane, flood, tornado...."

I told you the news was depressing!

After seeing those three stories, I said to John, "That's why I live on a sandbar. No place is safe, so you might as well live where you're happy."

Hope you live where you are happy. And stay safe from the hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, wild fires, mudslides, earthquakes... well, you get the idea.

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