Thursday, June 26, 2008

Math and maps

Math is not my friend, as evidenced by every standardized test I have ever taken, starting in 6th grade and ending with the GMAT I had to take to get into graduate school. I always score in the 98th percentile in English, and about the 50th percentile in Math. Hey, at least I'm consistent!

Anyway, part of it is natural ability, but I think another reason I'm not a big fan of math is because I never had an opportunity to see how it can be used for practical applications which I thought were worthwhile. That changed today, while I was listening to Gene Ballance describe how he uses math to determine the best placements for oyster beds.

I can't explain how, exactly, he does this (remember, math is not my thing), but it involves using old and new maps, and surveying skills. It was fascinating to listen to him, even though I didn't fully understand everything he said!

Keep learning, wherever you are!

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