Friday, June 15, 2007

Unusually high tides

The tide has been unusually high for the last couple of days. I noticed it yesterday on my favorite sound side beach, but it was even more obvious today. I went to the lifeguarded beach, and it was clearly noticeable there. The water was pooled behind the lifeguard stand. Waves were crashing just a few feet in front of the stand, and then continuing up the beach, rolling under it.

To put this in perspective, the lifeguard stand is usually in what I would call "the middle" of the beach. On most days, there is plenty of room (i.e. dry sand!) to set up in front of it, which is what many people do.

I am not sure if there's a particular weather pattern affecting the tides. It has been cooler here the past few days as well. But the forecasters tell us that warmer weather is on the way for the weekend. Hope they are right!

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