Thursday, June 14, 2007

Dark and quiet

I wonder why dark is associated with quiet? Perhaps because when towns get dark for the evening (both because the sun is gone and because lights are turned out), everyone is heading to sleep which makes things quiet. Perhaps because we are expected to be quiet in dark places, such as movie theaters.

Whatever the reason, turning out lights (even if it's not all of them) evokes in me a feeling of hushed peace. I move more slowly, and breathe more deeply. And I am quiet. I turned off most of the lights a few minutes ago, even though I am still awake and not planning to go to bed for a while longer. It immediately created a sense of stillness. I am sitting in the screened porch right now, the only light coming from my laptop screen. Good thing I'm a touch typist!

I think I'll have a glass of wine here in the dark. I hope you have a peaceful dark and quiet evening.

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