Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I thoroughly enjoyed the show "Rumgagger" tonight at Deepwater Theater. It's an evening of pirate and nautical tales, most of them in verse or song form, performed by Captain Rob Temple (of the Schooner Windfall) and Fiddler Dave (of Molasses Creek). It's not only highly entertaining (everyone in the audience - kids and adults alike - smiled and laughed through it), it's also quite informative. I learned new facts about pirates, several nautical terms, the multiple reasons for singing on a ship, how sails are raised, and even how big a whale's esophagus is.

If you're planning to be on the island this summer, save a Tuesday evening to attend this show. I bet you'll enjoy it, and I know you'll learn something new! If you will not be able to attend a show live, a CD including several of the tales, shanties and poems from the show is available at local stores.

For more info:
Schooner Windfall (info. about the Rumgagger CD is available here too)
Fiddler Dave

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