Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Meeting tomorrow

If you want to make your voice heard about the potential ferry fees, there is a meeting tomorrow night (Wed. 3/16) at the Community Center. Hyde County Manager Mazie Smith is planning to be at the meeting.

I, however, am not. I have to go to Virginia Beach tomorrow for a follow up appointment and will not be back on time.

Someone go for me and tell them that I think a moderate fee for visitors is appropriate, but that there should not be fees for full time permanent residents. I'm afraid if we try to go with a "guns blazing" NO FEES approach, it will backfire. Obviously the state needs the ferry system to generate some revenue, so a reasonable, meet in the middle solution will be better received. That's my two cents, anyway. Wish I could go to the meeting to share it!

1 comment:

Trisha said...

I was thinking the same thoughts -- you can't push back too hard and fast. A minimal free to/from Hatteras would raise a significant amount of $$ without doing much damage to the day trade. But the rules that apply to the Priority Pass should be followed to provide free rides for those who live on the island or commute to/from regularly.