Saturday, March 12, 2011

Baby boys

I went to a baby shower today for a young lady who is having a baby boy in April. His due date is one day before Connor's third birthday, so I'm hoping he'll be a day late so he can have a great birthday! (Yes, of course, I know that whatever day he is born will be perfect as long as he is healthy.)

Anyway, at the shower, a lady realized that she had been misinformed about the due date for the baby (someone had told her he was due in May). She was mildy embarrased because she had written a cute poem in the card about being born in May. Of course the mommy-to-be didn't mind at all and was very gracious about it.

The lady then realized that when she asked the person who told her the baby was due in May, that person was thinking of another lady on the island who is also having a baby boy, who IS due in May. It sure seems like recently most (more than 50%) of the new babies on the island have been boys. Something in the water?

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