Sunday, May 9, 2010

Closing the show

Today, we completed the final performance of the show to a huge crowd, including lots of people who were standing up or even sitting on the ground to watch it since we had run out of official seating tickets! This was definitely the best performance of the three, and the audience was wonderfully receptive and responsive. Thank you to all of you who came to support us! Unfortunately, I once again had camera issues and therefore only got a few photos.

Kevin Perez as Snout - love the mustache!

Phyllis Wall as Cobweb. Hers was one of my favorite costumes.

Left to right: Bill Cole, me, Jessie Morrisey, Joe Chestnut, Virginia Downes and Emmet Temple - all dressed up and ready for the wedding reception scene.


Runs.with.Ferals said...

why... are your posts always...

2 weeks after the time you write them...?

All you gotta do is hit 'Publish' and bada-boom bada-bing~

instant real-time NEWS...

NOT two weeks behind the moment it occurs~!

Ocrakate said...

Um, thanks. I do know how to publish a blog, although sometimes I suppose it's hard to tell.

My life is rather full so on many days all I have time for is to put a blog in "draft", then I come back later and write, upload pictures, etc, THEN hit publish. If I hit publish on the day I first created the blog, it would be blank, and that would be worse than two weeks behind. This is not CNN, so my goal is not to provide up to the minute news.

Really like your poster for the show, by the way. There's one hanging in my office. :)

Runs.with.Ferals said...


My ignorance betrays me~!

A pox upon me, fellow Bloglodite~~!

Ocrakate said... need for a pox! I'm glad to know there are people out there reading...