Wednesday, May 19, 2010


"Before" is actually not an appropriate title for this blog, because these pictures are really from "during". But I'm ashamed of what "before" looked like, so don't expect to see pictures of that here. "Before" was our flower beds, filled with weeds and overgrown, looking for all the world like no one lived in our house - or at least no one who cared what their yard looks like. (Which is actually really far from the truth - I cared deeply about how awful it looked, but had neither the time nor the tools (nor, for that matter, the talent) to fix it myself.) So I decided to hire some professionals. At this point, they've weeded and edged, and added new good soil and mulch. They haven't even planted flowers yet (that will be the "after" blog), but it looks like a million bucks compared to the way it looked before. I actually love looking out my office window at the beds now, even though they contain mostly just dirt!

Look at this nicely weeded, edged, and mulched area...

...and this flowerbed along the fence, filled with fresh, rich soil ready to grow something wonderful.

Micah and Josh from Homegrown Hettie's did all this work for me. I hugely appreciate them, and they're not even done yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
