Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lunch and a movie

I enjoyed a full afternoon today, starting with a delicious lunch of ham, cabbage, pickled beets, boiled red potatoes, and corn bread. It was the second of three Sunday lunches planned as fundraisers for the United Methodist Church Rec Hall. This particular one didn't see to be quite as well attended as the previous one, which I'm guessing was because not everyone likes ham and cabbage. I didn't meant there was plenty left over at the end of the event, so I took some home for dinner. (Obviously I like ham and cabbage.)

This afternoon, a large group of people - mostly but not entirely ladies - met at Deep Water Theater to watch a video of the musical Quilters, which was performed on the island in 1993. It was excellent, even though the quality of the video itself was not fabulous (video recording has come a long way in 15 years). I enjoyed both the show itself (of course, I am a musical lover) and seeing several of my friends as they looked a decade and a half ago. They looked younger then, but they are all still beautiful women, whom I'm lucky to count as friends.

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