Saturday, December 15, 2007

A party and a pageant

Today I was lucky enough to watch island kids enjoying the Children's Christmas Party at the Community Center. This annual event is organized by Leslie of Books to Be Red, and is always well attended. The kids I talked with all seemed to be enjoying themselves very much. For the first hour or so of the event, they played games, worked on crafts (making popsicle frames, painting t-shirts, etc.), participated in Christmas-related activities (preparing "reindeer food", for example), and ate delicious cookies and other treats. Then a siren was heard and everyone got excited and ran outside. No, there wasn't a crime in progress (this is Ocracoke, remember?) It was Santa arriving, on the fire truck. He came inside and spoke to everyone there (kids and adults alike) as he walked through the room, then settled down in his chair to meet the kids, who lined up to sit on his lap, tell him what they wanted for Christmas, and have a photo taken with the jolly old elf himself. I had so much fun watching all this happiness, I found myself with a goofy grin on my face through most of the event and feeling like a big kid by the end of it. So when Leslie asked me if I wanted my picture with Santa, of course I said yes! I "sat" on his lap (I was kind and spared Santa my full adult weight), chatted for a moment, and smiled for the Polaroid camera. It was a ball!

This evening, the kids (assisted by a handful of adults) of the Assembly of God Church performed in the annual Christmas pageant. This year, the title was "The 12 Days of Christmas". The main part of the show (involving all the kids from toddlers to teens) included a re-written version of that popular Christmas carol, which described the nativity scene (8 angels, 6 donkeys, 5 golden stars, 4 shepherds, 3 wise men, 2 parents smiling, and one baby Jesus are some of the verses I remember...I can't seem to bring to mind what number 7 was). As each group was introduced in song, the kids playing those characters joined the scene, until the stage and the area in front of it was filled with costumed, singing children. The toddlers playing sheep (with adorable cotton-ball ears) were the cutest in the bunch, in my opinion. The angels (8 first through third grade girls) looked lovely and sang beautifully. Several other songs were sung, including "Isn't He", one of my favorite worship songs, and Pastor Sam spoke a brief message. After the secular fun of the Christmas party with Santa, it was lovely to see and enjoy a celebration of what the holiday is really about.

Hope your celebrations, whatever they are, are both fun and meaningful.

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