Saturday, December 29, 2007

A fabulous day

I enjoyed a completely decadent, splurging, pampering kind of day today. First, I went to Deep Blue Day Spa to enjoy a wonderful package, which included a body scrub, a wrap, a hot stone massage, and a facial with lymph drainage therapy (which is incredibly relaxing). What made this even better was that it was a gift! I received a gift certificate for this lovely experience. Lucky me!

If that wasn't fabulous enough, I left the spa and went straight to the Second Annual Ocracoke Working Watermen's Association Oyster Roast. I munched on steamed shrimp and oysters until it got cool, started getting dark, and the event ended! I heard they had 22 bushels of oysters, and all of them were eaten and enjoyed. There was a large crowd at the event, and I hope it raised plenty of money for OWWA.

There are multiple events planned to ring in 2008 here on the island:
- the annual New Year's Eve party will be held at the Community Center, with music by the Ocracoke Rockers as usual
- the Assembly of God church is hosting a get together and showing a movie
- my friend Amy is having a party at her house, which will include...more oysters! If John has any say in the matter (which of course he does), we'll be going to that one, because that's where the oysters are. That man loves oysters.

Hope you enjoy your new year's celebrations, with or without oysters!

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