Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Catalog season?

I opened my mailbox yesterday morning and was so amazed at what I saw that I went back outside to my car to get my camera so I could take a picture.

There were 12 catalogs in there. (Well, actually one was a magazine.) I know Christmas is coming and it's the biggest shopping season of the year, but this is ridiculous!


Tom in Plano, TX said...

Catalogs are another one of those things whose time has passed, for me at least, in the age of the internet. Catalogs and phone books go directly to the recycling bucket. Do Not Pass GO! Do Not Collect $200!

In many ways, it is an interesting conundrum for the Post Office. VERY LITTLE of what I receive in the mail these days ever even makes it into the house. It goes straight into recycling. Yet, it is this junk mail that keeps the Postal Service in business! The only bills I pay by mail anymore are my Ocracoke water and garbage - and I WISH I could do those online!

Ocrakate said...

Good point, Tom, and I didn't mention in my post but most of those catalogs went straight into the cans at the Post Office. I do much of my shopping, especially for gifts (Christmas and otherwise) online as well...but unfortunately that seems to result in MORE catalogs, since many of the online companies also have catalogs, and after I order something now have my address! Ugh.