Friday, October 23, 2009


The annual Halloween Carnival on the island is one of the best attended events of the year. It is certainly one of the most fun days for the island's kids.

First, there's the costume parade. Here are a few of my favorites from this year.

Emmet and Caroline as War and Peace.

Ashlee and her sister (whose name I don't know) were gorgeous.

Lachlan was Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes).

A sweet fairy named Bailey.

Michael Jackson!

And another timely costume!

Parading around so the judges can see everyone.

I found this cute gnome in my garden and brought him to the parade. :)

After the parade, everyone heads into the gym, which has been transformed into a Carnival...

...complete with games...

...and a cakewalk.

The last activity of the evening is Quizo (basically Bingo).

I was tired at the end of the evening, but it was a really fun way to spend a few hours!

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