Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wild and windy

The wind has been whipping the island today, rattling doors and windows and making my awning flap wildly. The mainland ferries were shut down this afternoon after the mid-day runs, and the Hatteras route stopped running early in the evening. I've heard there's some flooding on Hatteras island, but am not sure whether there has been any here or not (there isn't any in the area right around my house, where I've been most of the day since this crazy cold I have just won't seem to go completely away).

Hopefully the crazy weather we've been having recently will settle down soon...but March is still ahead, and it's often one of the windiest, rainiest months! I've certainly had my fill of wind, rain, flooding, and icy cold, but there's no controlling the weather, so I guess we'll just have to see how it goes...


Anonymous said...

Hey I have jury duty next week and was wondering about jury duty on Ocracoke. How is done on the island.

Ocrakate said...

Getting jury duty around here is a definite challenge. The county courthouse is in Swan Quarter, so if you are called for jury duty, that's where you have to go. Makes for some long days riding ferries. :)

Michael said...

The good news is: you get to ride the ferry for free.

But it's a good idea to bring both something to eat and something to read.

The day can be very long, indeed.

Tom in Plano, TX said...

Hey Kati! The weather is weird everywhere!! It snowed here in Dallas for about 24 hours straight starting midnight Thursday morning. There was 10 inches on the ground here when I left for work this morning! It is an all-time record here! Of course, in typical local fashion, most of the snow has melted already this evening.

Ocrakate said...

Hi Michael - I didn't know about the free ferry ride, but that does make sense. (I haven't personally been called for jury duty yet, although now that I've typed that, I'm thinking I'd better go knock on something wood!)

Tom - you are right about the weird weather everywhere. It's supposed to snow here tonight, which is pretty unusual. I'll definitely post pictures if we get enough to make it pretty.