Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas show

Last night, a large group of talented Ocracoke performers entertained a large crowd with plenty of Christmas songs, one story, and one poem. It was a terrific show!

Katie and Leslie got things started with a flute duet of Away in a Manger.

Then Noah Paley sang two songs: a Noah original and the traditional "Christmas Song".

Ingeborg joined the show for the first time this year, playing two pieces.

Ivey, Laura and their daughter Hannah sang "The Name of Jesus", which is not a Christmas song per se, but which Ivey's grandparents always used to sing at Christmas, so they sang it in honor of them.

Rob read his hilarious new (just written this week!) poem about Christmas on Ocracoke.

Roger Garrish sang Silent Night, accompanied by Jamie on the piano.

Molasses Creek - a combination of the former and current members - ended the first set.

Gary sang a sweet song called Scarlet Ribbons.

Fiddler Dave and Caroline played Deck the Halls.

Marcy and Lou were great as always.

Molly and Emmet reprised their hilarious Ocracoke version of "God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen"...which is, of course, "God Rest Ye Merry, Fishermen". Save us all from flounder and drum!

Jamie and Bob rocked on Blue Christmas.

Lachlan obviously enjoyed the show so much that he passed out from happiness. :)

If you would like to watch the show, it's available on Ivey's youtube channel, here.

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