Saturday, November 17, 2007

Flock of geese

I saw a probably-unique-to-Ocracoke sight a couple of days ago, and I wish I had brought my camera with me because it would have made a great photo. It was in the yard of the Austin's house, around the corner from where I live. (Well, one of the Austin's houses, there are actually several of them around the corner from where I live!) So what did I see? A flock of geese, all sitting quietly together, not moving. And not a feather among them. It was a bunch of decoys, I assume recently pulled from the water for the winter, just sitting in the yard. Now I really wish I had had my camera with me, because words are just not doing it justice!

It has gotten quite chilly here recently, so I guess our lovely summer-like fall is drawing to a close. Like the Austins, I need to prepare for winter. They took decoys out of the water, I need to take my sweaters and other warm clothes out of the storage bins under the bed, and get them into my closet. Hope you are warm and ready for winter, wherever you are. (Although I suppose "ready for summer" is more appropriate for my readers in the Southern Hemisphere!)

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