Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Walking lightly

I just got back from touching salt water for the day. It is a beautiful evening, the full moon in the clear sky providing enough light to easily see. It is not as hot as it has been recently (the rain brought a cool front through), which is a nice break.

I went to my favorite soundside beach this evening, and as I walked back I reflected on the fact that, when walking in sand, my feet usually dig in as I go. When my feet are wet, this means a bunch of sand gets stuck to them. (Not a big deal, of course; I just have to rinse it off in the outside shower when I arrive back home.) But tonight as I walked, I decided to deliberately attempt not to sink in to the beach. I stepped more carefully, looking at each spot before placing my foot on it. And I tried to tread more lightly, rather than pushing down as I went.

This got me started thinking about the impact humans have on the earth. So here's my environmentalist moment for the day: tread lightly on this fragile planet. It makes less of a mess to have to clean up later that way.

Have a nice evening, wherever you are on this lovely earth we call home.


tunnellj said...

I miss my island daily -- I have no idea what is happening on Ocracoke if I don't have it to read... Do you know of any good newspapers I could subscribe to to find out what happens on Ocracoke? :)

Ocrakate said...

You are hilarious! I'm trying to be back...but if you're depending on me for the "latest" news, there may be a problem...