Monday, August 27, 2007

Downpour and scaredy-cat

It has been a dry summer this year, and we needed some rain. Well, we got it this morning! There was thunder rumbling in the distance when I got up, but I've heard that several times previously this year and it hasn't rained. I went about my morning as usual, and suddenly I realized it was pouring. It was what some people in the South call a "gullywasher". It was windy during the rain as well, and it came blowing into the screened porch.

During this summer storm, I discovered that Jamie (the cat, not my friend) is afraid of thunder. I couldn't find him anywhere, so started looking around for him. I shook the treat bottle, which will get him running anytime he is within earshot. But he didn't come to find me. I called for him (yes, he sometimes comes when called, and yes I know this is not typical of cats!), but no dice. Finally, I got on my knees and started looking at cat level. I found him hiding under the bed. Not just barely under the edge, behind the dust ruffle (he does that a lot, and takes great pleasure in jumping out onto the other cat Savannah, or the foot of whoever happens by). No, this morning he was all the way under the middle of the bed, with his paws tucked under his chest and his tail curled around him (I think he was trying to make himself as small as possible). Poor little guy. He waited it out, and came out a few hours later (not that it rained for a few only rained for about half an hour...I guess it just took Jamie a while to get over his scare!)

Sometimes life throws scary stuff our way. Hiding for a while until everything settles down is not a bad way to deal with it!

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