Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The only bad thing...

...about early spring weather, is that it brings other early things, like mosquitoes (yes, really, although thankfully only a few) and pollen. My eyes itch and I have a bit of a sniffle...something that normally happens in April, not February. Oh well. I still enjoyed those few lovely warm days we had! Now the chill seems to be coming back, brought in my a cold wind. Darn.


Trisha said...

Well, we lost our snow cover for 3 days ... comparable to your warm weather ... and now it's back. Icy walks with the dogs who can't sniff through the snow very well, resulting in long searches for just the right spot to unload. sigh.

Ocrakate said...

Oh, no...poor dogs! Don't worry, spring is coming. Eventually!