Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Maybe I should...

When I was a little girl, if I was having a bad day, my mom would suggest that maybe I should go back to bed and get out again on the other side. I think she had a good general thought there...some days you just need to start over.

Yesterday morning was like that. I had three errands to run: mail something, deposit some checks (and get some money), and pay a bill. I got to the Post Office before they opened, which is not usually a problem when something needs to be mailed...but in this particular case, I needed to purchase a mailer. So strike one for the first errand.

The bank wasn't open yet either, which wasn't a big deal because I thought I would just use the ATM to get some money and then come back later to deposit the checks. That didn't work, however, as I didn't have my ATM card with me. Strike two for the errands.

Not having gotten any money, and not having my checkbook with me, I couldn't go pay my bill, either. So strike three.

I gave up, went home, and just started working instead. Maybe I should have gone back to bed!

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