Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Brand new...briefly

This morning, I got my outfit for the sock hop, and of course I had to immediately try it on. (I'll post a photo later, after the event.)

Anyway, as I took all the parts of the outfit out of the box and then out of their individual bags, I marveled at how fresh, new and clean everything looked. Then I put it on.

I swear, I only wore the outfit for about 5 minutes (long enough for one of the cats to look at me funny). But when I took it off...well, it just wasn't brand spanking new and perfect any more. The socks had a bit of dust on them from the floor, one shoe had a crease, the skirt had a tiny pilled spot, and - good grief - I might've gotten a teeny bit of deodorant on the shirt as I pulled it over my head!

So this started me musing on how nothing can be perfect or new for long. Once used, it is forever changed and can't be put back to pristine condition. The only alternative would be to never use anything. I could have left the entire outfit in the neat plastic bags it came in. But then I wouldn't wear it to the sock hop. And, of course, going to the sock hop (even if I sweat in the outfit, or - horrors! - spill something on part of it!) will be much more fun than just looking at clothes in plastic bags could ever be.

There's a metaphor for life in there, especially for borderline-OCD-with-perfectionist-tendencies types like me. Yes, everything deteroriates. But the alternative is not truly living. So the healthy choice is to learn to accept the imperfections that come with life. (I'm working on it...)


Gary said...

Every man knows that there is about a 95% chance that you'll get something on a new tie the first time you wear it. You may never, ever again get anything on it, but that first wearing is almost always cursed. That's why I like bow ties - they're not subject to the curse of the long tie.

Ocrakate said...

I am really good at spilling something on clothes at the first wearing, too. I'm a bit nervous about eating anything at the sock hop as a result!