Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Birthday potluck

I'm a fan of birthdays. I just think the idea of celebrating the fact that a person is here is a wonderful thing. It's the exact opposite of taking people - and life - for granted. No matter how old or young a person is, it's just right to celebrate their being, and that's what birthdays do. They say, "the fact that you are here today is reason to be happy".

I'm also a fan of potlucks (yes, I know this is no surprise unless maybe you just started reading this blog). They are a way of celebrating friendship, sharing, and - I must admit this is a major reason I'm a fan - food. I love the way potlucks celebrate individuals (around here, we know people by what they bring, and their standard potluck item is part of their personality), while at the same time celebrating community (after all, a potluck is by nature a group event).

So one of my favorite things to do is go to a birthday potluck, and the one I went to this evening was an excellent example. It was for Al's 70th birthday, and it was everything that makes both potlucks and birthdays wonderful - crowded, full of great food, with fantastic cake and singing at the end. What's not to love?

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